Project Rachel Founder Vicki Thorn Changed the Course of the Pro-Life Movement With a Message of Mercy

From The National Catholic Register — April 29, 2022: MILWAUKEE — As more and more women came seeking her out to pour out their grief after abortion, Vicki Thorn turned to the Lord in prayer, asking for guidance. Opening her Bible, the bereavement counselor read the passage that appeared before her from Jeremiah 31:15: “Rachel

Infamous abortionist mangles 2nd-trimester babies, sends 2 women to hospital with horrific injuries

From Lifesite News — Jun 19, 2020: BETHESDA, Maryland (Operation Rescue) — Two women within nine days suffered life-threatening injuries that required emergency surgery and hospitalization after both received abortions at 25 weeks of pregnancy at a notorious late-term abortion facility in Bethesda, Maryland. Owned and operated by nationally-known late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, the Bethesda

Catholic convert explains abortion’s links to Satanism based on his own gruesome experience

From Lifesite News — Aug 1, 2023: Satanism seems to be on the rise in our culture. The Satanic Temple held their conference in Boston last April, and Satanists are often involved with abortion. So I thought it would be good to bring you to a former Satanist. On this first part of a two-part episode of The John-Henry