Why Missy Reilly Smith Started WAKE UP

In 1999, Missy Reilly Smith’s life changed forever because The Washington Times published a shocking exposé on abortionists torturing babies and selling their bodies whole or dissected. Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey held a congressional hearing and read the horrifying article aloud. This is illegal in the USA, Missy founded WAKE UP to stop it, and still abortionists not only get away with mass murder, but they sell babies’ body parts to government agencies, universities, and commercial companies.

Since then, Missy has done everything in her power to help save children’s lives in the light of Christ.

She works person-to-person by taking WAKE UP’s mission to the streets, to the halls of Congress, and to numerous other public places. Her activism is vast and one of her crowning glories includes getting arrested many times.

Missy’s WAKE UP mission includes:
. Her tender witness as a mother who had two abortions, regrets it, and warns all pregnant mothers against it.
. Prayer and sidewalk counseling at abortion facilities.
. Training sidewalk counselors.
. Producing thousands of pamphlets for sidewalk counselors.
. Pickets, protests, and demonstrations. For example, in 2009 she and Randall Terry held 100 Rosary Rallies for 100 consecutive days outside the White House after President Obama took office.
. Chastity programs: From 2005 to 2009, Missy held WAKE UP seminars called Chastity Is the New Sexual Revolution at the Saint John Paul II Shrine.
Missy’s next chastity series is mother-daughter teas on femininity, fertility, and waking up women and girls to the beauty and honor being females created in God’s image.
. In 2010 and 2012, Missy ran for political offices, she shocked Washington with her campaign ads, and she made international news because she showed countless people innocent little abortion victims.
. Missy published WAKE UP Chronicles, her printed magazine.
. Click here to see beautiful abortion victim Philomena Grace, who can help us to save other children and share the story from there.
. Now Missy invites women and girls injured by Pfizer’s abortion drug to join WAKE UP’s class-action lawsuit.

Please donate now!
Please help Missy to save innocent children and their parents from abortion crimes. WAKE UP is a 501(c)(3) charity which means that all your financial contributions are tax deductible.

Click this link to visit WAKE UP’s secure financial donations page.