A Call to Action—Sign the Petition

We Have All been Victims of Abortion!

To the ‘silent suffering’ who have been victims of chemical or surgical abortion, whether you were coerced or not, be not ashamed.  Abortion ‘health care’ providers are experts at exploiting the naive and vulnerable.  Find comfort in knowing that you do not mourn alone.

We know there is greater strength in numbers. Therefore, my call to action is for all women and men who have been ‘blessed by their mourning’ to sign their names next to mine as co-plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the United States Government that has already admitted it is complicit in these Crimes Against our Humanity. 

My prayer is that you all find the courage, as I have after all these years, to come along side me in this effort of redemption.  May justice be our divine consolation through a Class Action suit to be named “Blessed are Those Who Mourn.” 

Missy Reilly Smith

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    Here is Missy’s full message:

    (Download the Printable PDF)


    A Call to Action for Victims of Abortion

    Webster’s Dictionary defines “Crimes Against Humanity” as a deliberate act, typically which is a part of a systematic campaign that causes human suffering or death on a large scale.

    The campaign of Abortion in America, over the past 50 years, is the epitome of such crimes. The inhumane slaughter of 64,000,000 defenseless children and the exploitation of their naive mothers have caused immeasurable suffering to both abortion victims and those of us who have been forced to witness the systematic deterioration of the conscience of our nation.

    Many of us in the Pro-life Movement realized long ago that the United States government under the Presidential Administrations of Johnson and Nixon with the eugenic influence of Kissinger and one politically driven junior associate Justice Blackmun collaborated on an elaborate “SCHEME” which circumvented congressional legislation and decriminalized the deliberate murder of preborn babies without restriction.

    Webster’s definition of a “scheme” is a plan or plan of action; especially a crafty or secret one. It is no wonder that Justice Samuel Alito would refer to the set of rules which Roe v Wade created as a “scheme” in his opinion in the Dobbs case that overturned Roe and Casey on June 24, 2022 abolishing the illusion of a constitutional right to abortion.  

    ‘Crafty’ schemes were the building blocks for a generation of wealthy white elite eugenicists led by Margaret Sanger and her American Birth Control League. Planned Parenthood and ‘reproductive healthcare’ are still nothing less than propaganda doublespeak for the systemic killing of innocent human beings. It was none other than Sanger’s ideology that inspired Hitler’s “Master Race” and his ‘secret’ program of action to eliminate all ‘human weeds’; the Jewish people, the retarded, handicapped and Catholics in order to create their grand illusion of a more perfect race on an international scale.

    On April 12, 1945 General Eisenhower flew to the Ohrdruf Camp. The camp was still filled with the putrefied bodies of prisoners who had been murdered before the SS Guards fled. General Eisenhower marched the local townspeople into the concentration camp to witness, to their shock and horror, the depravity they had been ignoring. The stench of death that filled those ‘holocaust camps’ is the same stench of death described by former workers that fills legal baby killing ‘abortion centers’ in America today. Like the townspeople of Ohrdruf, it is time we all face the reality of the stench of the culture of death that we have been ignoring in our own country for too long.

    In President Eisenhower’s farewell address January 17, 1961, he warned the American people of the threat of a growing “Military Industrial Complex”. Today we face a far greater evil which has been gaining power in our country known as “The Abortion Industrial Complex”. It is so vast and repugnant that only a brave few have been willing to explore and expose the breadth and depth of the current “Crimes Against Humanity”. 

    First was the discovery of hormonal byproducts in birth control pills which pass in urine polluting our water resources and neutering marine life. Now its transgender ‘therapy’ drugs neutering our children. We clearly remember the hard sell of safe, legal and rare surgical extractions of clumps of cells, denying any form of human life, and all the while they were building an underground fetal organ harvesting ‘scheme’ and a multi-billion dollar ‘research’ arm of the Abortion Industrial Complex. Completely ignored is the ‘sanitary and respectful disposition of aborted fetal remains’ as a nationwide trucking industry has created a ghastly smuggling ring of these precious little bodies into “hopper-to-energy” incinerators. 

    The food industry in America has been genetically enhancing their “savory flavor ingredients” with HEK 293 (harvested Human Embryonic Kidneys) for decades. Big Pharma and covert university researchers have been exposed for mass producing humanized mice. We are bathing in, sipping and munching on, and injecting these children into our bodies just as the Bible foretold in Deuteronomy 28:53 that if we don’t stop the evil, we “shall eat the fruit of [our] wombs”.

    Enter the latest and most devious ‘scheme’ of chemical abortion. According to Guttmacher Institute 63% of all abortions are by chemically induced preterm labor and expulsion of the baby into a toilet. Guttmacher’s 2023 “Abortion Counts” claimed 642,700 women were sent home in 2023 to endure the blood, tears, and hours of endless excruciating pain, alone. Abortion providers know by their own research that this ‘regimen’ is 4 times more dangerous than surgical abortion. Now this ‘scheme’ which the FDA originally declared ‘crude and medically unnecessary’ can be sold to anyone by anyone online or at your corner pharmacy. 

    To the ‘silent suffering’ who have been victims of chemical or surgical abortion, whether you were coerced or not, be not ashamed. Abortion ‘health care’ providers are experts at exploiting the naive and vulnerable. Find comfort in knowing that you do not mourn alone.

    We have been lied to and taken advantage of. A trauma happens each time we take the poison or we experience the snuffing out of the precious life that was to be. That trauma is imprinted on our soul for all eternity. The emptiness in our body does not go unnoticed even if we deny it consciously; subconsciously it hardens the maternal instinct. It is not natural to kill one’s own flesh and blood. Just ask the thousands upon thousands of women of Silent No More, Operation Out Cry and Rachael’s Vineyard. Three very powerful organizations for post abortive women and men. Indeed, men also mourn the loss of fatherhood. They too have been victimized by the social construct of abortion on demand. The Great Deceiver has been just as successful in the 20th century as he has been from the beginning of time.

    As we turn away from any shame or guilt that we have been harboring from events past and open our eyes to the reality of the “crimes” that have been committed against us we must place our trust in God’s mercy and the justice available to us in this country. Massive crimes are still going on every day while the abortion cabal profits billions of dollars off their lies and our naivete. It is time to turn our victimhood into our victory. Let us turn our mourning into justice in honor of the babies we have tragically lost and come together as one voice to say we have had “Crimes Against Humanity” committed against us!  We know there is greater strength in numbers. Therefore, my call to action is for all women and men who have been ‘blessed by their mourning’ to sign their names next to mine as co-plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the United States Government that has already admitted it is complicit in these Crimes Against our Humanity. My prayer is that you all find the courage, as I have after all these years, to come along side me in this effort of redemption. May justice be our divine consolation through a Class Action suit to be named “Blessed are Those Who Mourn.”  

    Together in Christ,

    Missy Reilly Smith

    W.A.K.E.U.P. – Women Against the Killing and Exploitation of Unprotected Persons

    (202) 288-4984